In March 2023, the West Virginia Legislature passed, and Governor Justice signed House Bill 2002 into law. This law establishes the West Virginia Mothers and Babies Support Program. Under this program, $1,000,000 has been allocated for distribution to participating West Virginia Pregnancy Help Organizations. The program was officially launched on October 1, 2023, and funds will be available for distribution to Pregnancy Help Organizations by early 2024.
Although this is a State-funded program, the West Virginia Pregnancy Center Coalition (WVPCC) has been selected by the State of West Virginia to serve as the managing agency for this program. WVPCC will oversee the application process, distribution of funds, and all other aspects of the program. WVPCC is committed to making these processes as simple and user-friendly as possible.
The West Virginia Mothers and Babies Support Program is designed to provide financial support to pro-life pregnancy centers, maternity homes, adoption agencies, and pro-life social service agencies that provide services to mothers and children under the age of two.
Participating Pregnancy Help Organizations must meet these statutorily mandated requirements:
● Must not perform, prescribe, refer for, or encourage abortions;
● Must be registered or registering to become a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization;
● Must comply with all federal and state laws;
● Must train and annually evaluate all staff and volunteers; and,
● Must have policies for reporting child abuse, medical emergencies, and client complaints.
This is a “fee for service” reimbursement program. Participating Pregnancy Help Organizations will submit monthly invoices listing all services and goods provided during the prior month that qualify for reimbursement. These invoices will be promptly reviewed, and, when approved, a payment will be sent to the pregnancy help organization.
WVPCC is developing a comprehensive schedule of services and goods that will be eligible for reimbursement along with corresponding rates for reimbursement. The services eligible for reimbursement will include, but will not necessarily be limited to, ultrasound procedures, STI testing, options counseling, educational classes, birthing classes, lactation consulting, on-site childcare, maternity home housing costs, and adoption counseling. The material goods that will be eligible for reimbursement will include, but will not necessarily be limited to, baby equipment, diapers, food, maternity clothing, and prenatal vitamins. Pregnancy Help Organizations that pay utility bills or other similar costs for clients will be eligible to receive reimbursement up to a fixed amount.
Because this program is designed to reimburse services and goods provided directly to clients, other organization activities and costs are not eligible for reimbursement. These non-eligible activities and costs include rent, staff salaries, donor events, fundraising costs, center upgrade costs, advertising costs, and other overhead costs. Also, the portion of any client sessions that involve religious instruction or content is not eligible for reimbursement.
Are participating organizations allowed to bill for services performed by other individuals or organizations that the organization refers clients/patients to?
No. Mere referrals are not reimbursable. Participating organizations may not bill for a service performed by another unless they directly pay for it. All reimbursable services must be either performed by or paid for by the participating organization. Participating Organizations, however, may bill for any time spent locating the referral or arranging for the client/patient to see the referral at the same rate of the service provided.
For example, if the referral is part of options counseling, the time to arrange for the referral can be billed at $1 per minute.
In December 2023, WVPCC will begin accepting applications from Pregnancy Help Organizations that desire to participate. Pregnancy Help Organizations will be able to register on the West Virginia Mothers and Babies Support Program website, and the online application process will be as streamlined as much as possible. Once an organization is approved for participation, it will be required to enter into an agreement with WVPCC setting forth program procedures and requirements.
After the initial application period concludes and program contracts have been executed, the reimbursement process will begin. Reimbursement forms will be provided for online submission. Pregnancy Help Organizations will be allowed to retroactively seek reimbursement for any eligible services provided on or after October 1, 2023. Therefore, organizations should keep good records of all potentially eligible services and goods provided after October 1, 2023, to ensure maximum reimbursement.
WVPCC will be required to conduct periodic visits of participating organizations to ensure operational and financial accountability. Also, participating organizations will be required to submit statistical information relating to client services in accordance with standards to be established by WVPCC.
Does the Mothers and Babies Support Program require clients/patients to be West Virginia citizens or residents?
No. The applicable law, the Support for Mothers and Babies Act, West Virginia Code §16-66, does not impose any residency or citizenship requirement.
We will require the following: a. an annual site visit, b. the reporting of certain statistics (which we will supply to each participating organization upon acceptance into the program); c. review of the program manual once published; and d. that each organization maintains internal records for each reimbursable service that includes, service provided, date, client/patient initials, and a staff/volunteer signature.
WVPCC will continue to distribute available funds until exhausted. WVPCC will then request renewed funding for the West Virginia Mothers and Babies Support Program for next year. The ability to distribute all available funding this year will enhance the chances of obtaining funding next year.
We work directly with the state on your behalf. Additionally, we are happy to supply help with navigating the program website; sample policies for child abuse reporting, medical emergencies, and client complaints; periodic training on topics of interest; invitations to WVPCC meetings; talking points for gaining approval from your organization’s decision-makers and donors on the Program; placement of your organization’s information on the Program website, with your permission; and other benefits as we may announce as the program continues.
DISCLAIMER: The information provided in this document is current as of November 17, 2023, and is subject to changes and modifications by either the WVPCC or the State of West Virginia.